Hydroflame 250 Manual

Flame Polishing system for methacrylate (Manual loading)

Equipment extremely strong, sure, reliable and precise designed for edge polishing of methacrylate using a flame. The oxyhydrogen flame of Flexa Hydroflame is particularly suitable for soldering and brazing all metals such as brass, bronze, copper, aluminium, stainless steel, nickel, etc. with or without using rods. It has excellent results in glass manufacture. You can use Hydroflame in airless conditions as well. Operating with Hydroflame is very easy, there is no need to set the mix of gases but only the pressure. Flexa Hydroflame torch is quite light, half the weight of a regular torch, ensuring an ease of movement. The torch has different tips you can change, ranging a diameter from 0,5 to 1,4 mm.

A water molecule (H2O) is made of two hydrogen atoms and one of oxygen. Some of its physical features are the colour, which is clear or white, it has no taste or odour. One of the chemical properties of water is that the hydrogen atoms are joined to the central oxygen atom with single polar covalent bonds. Through electrolysis (an electrochemical process) the electrical energy is used to promote chemical reactions that occur at electrodes. Electrolysis is the decomposition of a compound by passing electricity through it.

It’s an economical system: you can save more than 85% of the cost of gas. The operational cost is reduced to the cost of electricity to operate the machine (very low) and the consumption of distilled water (17 cu per hr of distilled water per 0,33 CFM oxyhydrogen gas).
Autonomy: it avoids an inconvenience of refilling, storage and transportation and the renting costs as well.
Safe: there is no risk of explosion because the generator produces only the gas it employs. The maximum internal pressure is 10 psi and there is no risk of having stored high pressure bottled gas.

Ecological: Hydroflame doesn’t pollute since the product of combustion is water vapour.




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